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Donate today to empower meaningful giving

The Foundation

OneGift is committed to making the world a better place by supporting generosity with technology. We are excited to work with partners, from corporate sponsors to public organizations and other foundations who support our foundation's mission through generous contributions.

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Why The OneGift Foundation

OneGift is committed to building beautiful products that help communities thrive through their shared value of generosity.

Our Mission: To grow global charitable giving and community by connecting people with the causes that resonate with them the most, and building tools to drive donor engagement.

Our Vision: A world where AI fosters meaningful connections and contributions between people, communities, and causes.

To date, OneGift has raised $1,098,845.00 for 501c3 nonprofits. The giving software of OneGift empowers donors to easily fund causes that they align with, leveraging various fundraising tools, including WishWell which uses well wishes to drive donations.

Donate now

Every dollar goes to empowering meaningful giving for causes and communities.

Money Raised

Our values

  • Mission-driven: we're on a mission to empower generosity with technology, and we exude a passion and commitment to driving contributions towards the truly important causes that our customers support.
  • Generous: to empower generosity, we must be generous ourselves. Generous with both our time and resources to our teammates, our customers, our communities, and beyond.
  • Joyful: life is short. We must spend every moment we can being healthy, happy, and joyful. We are grateful to be working on the OneGift mission, supporting generous leaders throughout the global giving community.
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Ready to increase donations?

Learn how top nonprofits use WishWell to power their fundraising.