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All your questions, answered.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much money can I expect to raise with WishWell

Using past data, we estimate that organizations will be able to raise approximately $50/member/year. 

For example, if you have 100 members in your community, we'd expect you to raise an extra $5,000/year!

How long does it take to setup WishWell and start generating donations?

If you go 100% digital, it can take as little as 15 minutes to set-up the WishWell program and start seeing donations come in!

If you want to mail physical cards, you will have to source some volunteers to help administer the program. Depending on your existing volunteer network, this can take a few emails/calls or a bit longer. OneGift will help you get set-up and provide training every step of the way.

How much does WishWell cost?

You can try WishWell for free for up to $1,000 in donations!

Once you pass $1,000 in donations, you can either opt for a simple percentage fee charge for generated donations of 5% or add an optional OneGift donation on your donation checkout pages (merchant fees not included: 3.5% + $.5/transaction). There are no start-up or ongoing fees. Just one simple rate.

I'm an existing customer. How can I get help with the program?
A complete product tutorial as well as one-off feature release videos with easy to follow how-to's are available on our YouTube channel: But if you require any additional assistance, please contact us at or +1 (951) 6ONEGIFT.
What does OneGift do?
We develop software products that make generosity easier. Our first product, WishWell, allows community members to wish each other happy birthday and donate a dollar to charity for each wish.
Who does OneGift serve?
OneGift serves any and all organizations that value strengthening the bonds within their community and generosity. From non-profit organizations and non-charity community groups, to corporations and clubs, we can help you raise more money!
Is OneGift a non-profit?
The OneGift Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit Delaware Corporation, and we have applied with the IRS for exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the Tax Code
How does OneGift give back?

We are all about helping others give back, so it's in our DNA to give back ourselves. Every year, we donate 10% of our profits back to our charity customers in proportion to the donations that they raised on the platform in the previous year!

What's will you build next? How do you decide what to build?
We are currently working on an exciting donor // charity matching tool that uses AI to connect donors with causes that are important to them and a next-level Donor Management System to add to our suite of products. We also have several other products in our roadmap to develop over the next several years to deliver value to our customers and donors.
Generally speaking, we work with our customers to understand what tools would make their current initiatives work better. We don't charge anything up front for development, however we do maintain ownership of the product and work to license it out to the initial customer and others who may find it useful.
Can I just accept one time and recurring donations?

You bet! With WishWell you can accept one time and recurring donations with a simple link or donate now button you can put anywhere on your site. More details at

Sign up for WishWell today!

15 minute setup, fully automated, free to try. And, did we mention a 10% donations boost!